SweetLight Photography - Pretoria Newborn Photographer

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When to book
I can only accommodate a small number of newborns per month, so book as early as possible to reserve your spot. Once baby arrives, we can select a date.

Q: How do I book?
Please complete the Booking Form to schedule your session. Alternatively you can send an email to info@sweetlightphotography.studio

Q: How old should my baby be for their newborn session?
I accept babies up to one month old. But for best results, I highly recommend to bring them between 6 and 14 days old to get those curly sleepy photos. Preemies can typically be a bit older for their sessions.

Q: Do you charge extra for multiples?
As a twin mom myself, absolutely not!

Q: Do you photograph older babies?
Not at the moment, but please check back soon!

Q: Can we include my baby’s older sibling/s in the session?
Sure! One or two photos with brothers + sisters can be included in the Newborn Photoshoot or Newborn and Family Photoshoot at no additional cost. It will take a little extra time. Please let me know in advance so I can plan accordingly.

Q: Can we bring a grandparent or auntie instead of a sibling?
Unfortunately not. Siblings are a breeze to photograph and edit, whereas most adults require a bit more time. Additional adults can be included as an optional extra to the Newborn and Family Photoshoot - please check pricing here.

Q: We are expecting a boy and planning to circumcise, how long do we need to wait before taking his photos?
If possible, please schedule his circumcision for after his session. Otherwise please allow 5 days for healing.

Q: Where does the session take place?
All photoshoots take place in my studio in Olympus, Pretoria East.

Q: When does the session take place?
All photoshoots take place in on Weekday mornings, I like to start at 9 AM.

Q: Are you available on weekends?
Unfortunately not.

Q: Do you have any props?
Yes! My studio is filled with an ever growing collection of beautiful props. From backdrops, bowls and buckets to outfits, headbands and hats.

Q: Can I bring my own props?
You are welcome to bring something special from home if you wish. Please let me know in advance so I can plan accordingly.

Q: What should I bring to the session?
This is covered in the prep guide which I will send you before your session.

Q: How will you edit my photos?
I try to leave you and your baby looking as natural as possible. Blemishes, redness and scratches will be removed, while things like birthmarks moles and newborn fluff is left in place.

Q: What should I wear to my session?
This is covered in the prep guide which I will send you before your session.

Q: When will I receive my photos?
Within 30 days. Current turnaround time is 3 - 4 weeks.

Q: How will I receive my photos?
Your photos will be available for download from an online gallery for a limited time. Some packages also includes a USB disk with your photos which you can collect from me. Delivery of your USB disk can also be arranged at an additional cost, please let me know in advance if you would like this option.

Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
Either EFT or cash on the day of your session.